We Are in the Feelings Endgame Now

Now that Avengers: Endgame has been out a couple weeks I figured it was safe to share my feelings…like I always do…you know, feelings. While I am a big fan of these movies, this isn’t a review of the film; it’s more of a reflection on some of the plot points that resonated with me now that I am a father.  

Like everyone else, I was amazed by all the action and development of the movie, but when I was playing it back in my mind, I realized that this was a story dominated by fatherhood themes and that’s what had the biggest impact on me.


First off, the movie opens with Hawkeye having some family time.  He turns around and his family is gone because of the snappening.

Yes, it is emotional when Hawkeye’s family disappears, but it hits me so much harder now that I know the terror of losing sight of a child, even for a minute.  I have had a couple of these ‘Hawkeye Moments’ in the past.  Maybe I should invest in some of those baby leashes.

The second dad-emotion that caught me was Antman finding his daughter who had aged five years since he last saw her. 

This one is super painful when you think of all those special moments he didn’t get to witness over the years.  I want to be present and see every moment, to watch them learn and grow!  You can’t get them back once they are gone.

Gamora and Nebula continually want to please their father and will do anything for his approval. This was a big one throughout the movie.

The responsibility I feel being a father is huge.  Kids desperately crave our attention and approval.  How sweet is it when they proudly show you their latest piece of art, a masterpiece!  Even half the time they misbehave they just want our attention, but don’t know how to ask.  

Say it aint so!  Black Widow gives her life so that Hawkeye can bring his family back.

Even though both Hawkeye and Black Widow could go on after Endgame and protect the world, there was one thing that Hawkeye had to protect that Black Widow didn’t, a family.  Black Widow knew this, and gave her life so that Hawkeye could go back to being a father. Feelings, so many feelings!

Tony Stark Meeting his dad in the past was full of those feelings things.

I mean, who wouldn’t want to meet their parents to see how nervous they were before you were born?  This gave closure to Iron Man, who always thought his dad didn’t care for him as much as we now see he did.  It is a really good reminder to tell your kids how much you love them, even when you are busy saving the world.

I am Iron Man!  Maybe the one with the most fatherhood moments in the film.  The final battle brought everything full circle, from Spider-Man to his final sacrifice.

Iran Man was a total father figure to Spider-Man, and when he had to watch his protégé turn to ashes in Infinity War, it was one of the saddest moments in the movie. Avengers: Endgame gave us redemption and a reunion of the two during the final battle. As a parent, there is no better feeling that finding your child and giving them a big hug, which caught Spider-Man a little off guard, LOL.  

We learn in Endgame that Tony is a father to his own child now. He has more to lose than anyone to restore life to what it was and we see him wrestle with that. What’s more, in the end Iron Man gives his life to save everyone else.  What father can’t appreciate a sacrifice like this. For me, maybe it is just being away for work – but any sacrifice reminds us that everything we do is for our children.

Bonus – I like to think that Captain America was able to become a dad with Peggy in the alternate timeline.

I never would have thought I would be affected by some of these moments before having kids myself. Oh so many feelings…  

On the other hand, what parent hasn’t had a Thanos moment where they divide the playroom and throw away half of all toys.  Because, “Fun isn’t something one considers when balancing the universe.”


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