Are you ready for some inspiring easy playroom mural designs? I love a good DIY project and these ideas are perfect for unique playroom murals or for your little one’s nursery walls.
This all started a few months ago. I decided to paint a mural on my patio and just couldn’t stop. Ideas flooded my brain with more wall concepts and I kept going painting with each new idea.
One of the greatest gifts for me of this project has been the time spent with my kids. It seems a bit nuts to include two little kiddos in painting. But the extra bit of mess has been more than worth it for the quality time we’ve had together. My daughter looked forward to each of these projects and beamed with pride every time we completed one. My two year old chimed in often, “I paint[ed] too!’ He was so happy to be included in such a big kid project.

These ideas are easy peasy lemon squeezy. A brush, paint, some tape, and you’re all set. I made projections for each too. You’d be surprised how easy it is to get your hand on an old school projector (most offices, churches, schools, and businesses have one tucked away in a storage room). We also found this great one off Amazon for cheap. Use these ideas for inspiration on creating a beautiful space for your kids to enjoy. Or, if you like these designs we’ve created, you can purchase our Mural Guide Book (use code MAKETHINGS to get the book for just $2) and replicate them with our simple step-by-step instructions.
Geometric Brights Mural
First up, the mural that started it all for us was this bright geometric mural. We used painter’s tape to section everything off and then went to town with bright pink, purple, and blue.

Ice Cream Sundae Mural
Next, we went for something sweet. That’s what happens when you ask a five year old for a theme idea…she responds with ice cream. Since her favorite is strawberry ice cream we painted the wall pink then added chocolate sauce dripping halfway down and of course sprinkles.

Happy Little Flowers Mural
I love to paint big messy florals and it’s the perfect backdrop for a whimsical nursery or playroom. It’s fun to play around and not worry about perfection sometimes. And these flowers prove it.

Mountain Views Mural
Sunshine and mountains make for the perfect view. We painted a mountainscape with sunshine rising in the background. Of all the murals this one took the most time and patience but the payoff was well worth it. I had fun grabbing items around the house to use as formal edges. Somehow a floor pillow and a watercolor note pad made a perfect sunshine.

Rainbow Mural
If life can’t be all sunshine and rainbows at least our walls can be. Rainbows are a big deal in our house, the kiddos love them. Last Christmas we took a road trip and on the way saw a double rainbow. It was the first time our kids had seen one, and it was one of the highlights of the trip. We went bright and bold but you could easily do softer tones to have a more calming space.

Each time we’ve posted pictures on social media questions flood my inbox… ‘How did you do that? How can I do that?’ And knowing that it is totally possible for parents at any DIY skill level to recreate these I decided to make a how-to guide. I know when I spend time on a project I want it to look nice so I broke everything down into easy steps. Our guide makes these murals achievable and will help you turn your boring and uninspired play space into the room of your dreams. Plus when other mamas come over for a playdate they’ll crown you the DIY Queen. And who doesn’t love that feeling?

If these ideas inspire you to create your own mural we are so glad! And if you want to take on the project but need a little guidance, buy our guide and get started. You’ll have a perfect space for your kids in no time.