My daughter went to the dentist for the first time last week. She was so brave and got a glowing report. She got a prize from the treasure box that she proudly showed off all evening that day. The thing is, I almost forgot she went.
This isn’t one of those I was so busy and had a hot mess mom morning and forgot to take her. No not at all. I didn’t take her to the dentist. My husband did. But more than that, I didn’t even set the appointment. He did.
Over the past few months we’ve said here and there ‘We really need to make her an appointment for the dentist.’ I assumed we meant me. I make the doctor’s appointments, fill out the school enrollment forms, and keep on top of those types of things.
One afternoon while playing with my daughter in our playroom she told me how she was going to the doctor for her teeth and then her daddy was going to take her for donuts. “Huh?” I said. From the other room dadlando popped in, “Oh yeah, I made her a dentist appointment. It’s next week.” He then turns to her and reinforces the plan, he’ll be taking her to the dentist and then for a treat. Are you stunned? I was.
Every couple days until the dentist visit I’d either hear from my daughter about the big appointment she had. I’d see it blocked out on the calendar if I was scheduling something else for that week. But I never worried about it. Not when other meetings got scheduled during that time at the office. Not when she was eating a big cookie the night before. Not once. In fact, I didn’t even know what dentist office they went to and still don’t know her dentist’s name!
That night after the big appointment, my daughter retold the story of the dentist three times over dinner. She kept asking her dad to remind her of the part she didn’t like (when they put the water/suction in her mouth) and kept telling me how brave she was. He egged her on and reminded her how they counted her teeth and all the exciting things that happened. I was so proud of them both. She was brave and got through a scary new experience. He took on a task from A-Z without me even asking him.
My husband is the one who predominantly handles teeth brushing in our house. He deserved to hear the dentist’s praise of how great her teeth looked. Most importantly to me, he shared the mental load. When I told a few friends this all happened they asked how I got him to do it. I don’t have an answer. But I’ll thank my lucky stars every day that I have him.
I thought Dadlando was incredible taking two kiddos to a birthday party solo. But this is epic! Totally worth bragging! You two truly are the epitome of 50/50!!
Thank you!! He came home re-thinking all of our plans for V’s party after seeing that many kids running around (HAHA!). Will def. get the dentist info for you. xoxo
Oh and when you have the tooth doctor info, pass it along! I need to make an appointment! Haha
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