Don’t we all just want to know we are seen?  And heard?  We’re here to remind you that you are seen.  And important.  And doing a great job!  Do you know someone else who needs to hear that too?  I bet you know a mom who could use some encouragement.  Momlibs is here for you!  It’s the encouragement for moms that we all need.  So print this out, fill it out, and remind a mama she is amazing.

momlibs - encouragement for new moms

(Right click and save to your desktop.)

Momlibs is our fun way of reminding ourselves and others that saying nice things can go along way.  We’re all working way too hard for everyone in our lives.  If you know a mom that could use some encouragement, don’t just ask her how she juggles it all…print her out a momlibs and give her a smile.  Maybe tape a piece of chocolate to it.  Or a whole bar.

Looking for more encouragement?  Check out our previous #momlibs here and here!


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