Once upon a time, I was one of the youngest employees at any given place I worked. A sweet little baby ready to change the world! Ugh, my goodness, someone go back and talk some sense into her. But I digress…

My point is, I’ve worked with a lot of mamas through the years. My career in nonprofit management means that I’ve worked with a lot of women because the nonprofit deck is stacked to be mostly female. And while it goes without saying these working mamas were absolute bad asses, there was a lot I didn’t realize until I became a working mom myself.

I saw working moms come in flustered at 8am and didn’t realize the battles they’d already fought that day to get kids fed, dressed, and off to school on time.

I watched working moms hang up silly artwork their kids made without realizing that a little human at home had said, “I made this for your office mama.” and that it was actually the most beautiful piece of art they’d ever seen.

I watched working moms go to meetings that could’ve been handled in an email, work through projects that coworkers were taking way too long on, and read through intolerable memos with the grace and patience of a Queen. They knew something I didn’t, nothing that happens at the office is anywhere near as important as what happened in their life at home.

I watched working moms count down until 5pm and race out the door like their pants were on fire. I had no idea they were just getting started on the second part of their day. No idea that they were analyzing if they were going to make it to daycare or after care on time before late pickup fees started. I didn’t realize they’d get in traffic and start calculating how long until they got there, how many minutes until they got home to make dinner, to do homework, to do bath, and bedtime. I didn’t realize that drive might be the only alone time they’d have for the day and they’d have to be actively shutting off from work mode and into mommy mode.

I didn’t know that she’d feel guilty for wanting to have a career, or for not caring about her career anymore, or for being fine where she was because a promotion could tip her rocking boat right over.

I watched working moms smile at me when I was impossibly rude and couldn’t bother to remember their kids names even though we worked together for years. I politely smiled at her cute little stories but didn’t realize how full her heart was from those special moments.  

I didn’t realize that for working moms a ‘perk’ was getting to go to the bathroom alone with the door closed.

I watched working moms call (and later email and text) to say their kid was sick and they’d be out. And could I cover this? Or could someone call to reschedule that? I had no idea the guilt she’d wrestled with, how exhausted she was from being up all night, and sometimes how relieved she was to just be home for a day. Even if it meant cleaning up puke.

I invited working moms to parties my friends and I were hosting that started insanely late at night. I laughed along when they said they couldn’t come and told them they’d be missing out.  I had no idea they weren’t.

I didn’t realize that a call from the school could send her into a panic and that most of those calls actually start with someone saying, ‘Your child is okay but…’ and then go on to explain any number of incidents that occured she’ll have to deal with later.

I didn’t know that some days work was a break from a hard night at home. And some days work took her away from the best night at home.

I didn’t know that she had no idea how great she was doing. That most days she rocked work and went home and rocked motherhood. And that she wouldn’t ever think that. And she’d spend the night wondering how she could do better the next day.


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  1. Lovely article. Really, and any working parent surely would sit there and nod their head in knowing agreement with all of it.

    Though, don’t forget about us hardworking dads. Replace every instance of “momma” with “daddy” and this wonderfully-written prose holds just as true.

  2. This is so wonderful. As I read all I could think of “is she writing about me??”. It’s nice to see that I am not the only ones struggling to juggle mom life and work life.

    I actually got tears on my eyes and laughed out loud when I read “I didn’t realize that a call from the school could send her into a panic and that most of those calls actually start with someone saying, ‘Your child is okay but…’ and then go on to explain any number of incidents that occured she’ll have to deal with later.”

    Thank you for this post. It’s real and I identified with every single word!

  3. This was beautifully written and is exactly how I have felt and still do more often than not. Thank you for putting it into words.

  4. Love your thoughtfulness in every word. I can totally relate to both sides…the young ambitious professional to the overtired mom with never ending duties. Thank you for what you wrote…. totally got the ‘feels’ in a empowering way.

  5. All so very true! I’ve been a working mom for over 10 years. One thing that I also think is worth mentioning that I think many don’t realize. We have to utilize our precious PTO days for school parties or to be able to chaperone a field trip or to be home during a teacher workday or school holiday to watch our kids….not actual “vacation”.

  6. This article was so on point with how I feel on a daily basis as a working mom. I can relate to every single paragraph in this article

  7. This article definitely made me tear up, as a working mom. I would like to point out another struggle we constantly deal with is having other mom friends who don’t work. Working moms are constantly missing out on those girlfriend weekday brunches and I have to roll my eyes when people ask me how my “summer break” is going? A working mom’s summer is exactly like their winter, spring and fall.

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