A few weeks ago my little guy came down with the stomach bug. And boy did that throw a wrench in our plans. Whenever the kiddos aren’t feeling well our world just stops. But for some reason when they get the barfs it throws things into a whole other realm. I found myself in this spiral of thoughts that just did not stop spinning out of control. Maybe you can relate?

Wednesday Night

Husband puts little man to bed, tells me little man said his tummy hurt as he laid him down in the crib. I marvel that little man could tell us about his tummy.

He’s crying. Calling for mom. Here we go. We’re going to have some barfs.

Oh he’s just crying, maybe he just needs a little rocking.

Nope that’s barf, okay there’s barf all over me. It’s running down my back.  You’re okay buddy. Don’t cry. I know this sucks. Let’s get you cleaned up.

This is going to be a long night.

I have meetings tomorrow. I can’t miss work.  He can’t go to daycare though. F*%K. This always happens at the worst times.  

When is a good time though? Never.

Why are you placing work above your son? He needs you. Worry and obsess over this in a loop for at least an hour.

I have a big work event the day after that, maybe I can watch him tomorrow and then he can stay home with dad the next day if he needs.

So much barf. Why does it always smell like that? I’m nauseous.

Hours later….

Seems like he’s done.  Maybe we’ll finally get some sleep.

Did he just cough? Is he about to barf again.  Repeat this loop a dozen more times through the night.

Marvel at how long he’s been sleeping.  Check baby monitor to make sure he’s breathing. He could choke on his vomit and what if he did in the fifteen minutes I was actually asleep.

He’s breathing fine.  Go back to sleep.


Email boss and team I won’t be in today… except I’ll come in at 4pm because I have that one meeting I have to be at.

Give little man full inspection. Feed him plain breakfast while nervously eyeing him the whole time. Lay down towels in the living room. Put on a movie.

I hate these Little Baby Bum videos. I can’t watch these for eight hours. I’ll go nuts.

He isn’t barfing yet. He seems fine. Should we have sent him to school?  It’s against the rules. Would they know? Oh yeah, his sister announced to everyone he barfed when we walked into school without him.

Why does he have so much energy? I’m exhausted.

Check work email every 15 minutes, try to respond one-handedly with 30lb toddler sitting in my lap.

Put little man down for nap.

Do the clorox wipes actually kill the stomach flu germs? I can’t remember what I read online. I meant to buy those hospital grade ones but I forgot. I need to order them before this happens again.

Did he just cough? Is he about to barf again?  Maybe this is related to the tubes in his ears. It has been going fine but it could be a thing. Maybe I should call the doctor.

How come I didn’t think to call the doctor sooner? Am I taking this seriously enough?

Should we cancel our playdate on Saturday? Nobody is going to want these germs. The kids will be so disappointed though.  

I’ll worry about that tomorrow.

Is he waking up from his nap? I didn’t get anything done while he slept. What was I doing?

He is fine. Oh he is so fine. I am so sending him to daycare tomorrow.

Get in the car, I’m going to be late to my meeting.  I still haven’t showered since this all started. I wonder if I smell like barf.

Coworkers make joke about how I finally decided to show up for work.  Don’t cry. They don’t mean anything by it. I’m just so tired and they have no idea.

Focus on the meeting. Listen to what people are saying. Are you taking notes? What did they just say? Focus. Focus, it’s only an hour. Oh wait, this might wrap up early.  I can get back home quicker than I thought.

This is not wrapping up early.

Put little man to bed. Ask him a million times if his tummy feels better.

Okay he’s good. He’s going to daycare tomorrow. Everything’s fine.

Friday afternoon

Ugh, I really don’t feel good. Maybe I’m just tired. It has been a long few days.

Nope. Not just tired. I’m definitely about to barf.  

Oh no.


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