This discussion on mantras for mamas is part of our ‘Intentional Mama Wellness Series’ to kick off the new year. We will be posting routinely throughout the month, but you can download a copy of our Intentional Mama Blueprint’ and follow along at your own pace.

Have you ever driven home and suddenly you realize you’re parked and have arrived in your driveway not sure of how you got there?  Yeah, me too.  And that’s when I’m too tired, too frazzled, and on autopilot.  Autopilot is just not how I want to live my life.  I’m guessing you don’t either. Our guide will help you have a plan, make a choice, and put you on a path to taking care of YOU.

Talk the Talk while you Walk the Walk

I’m a big believer in positive self-talk. You can build on the good or the bad. And when I speak negatively to myself I quickly spiral. Let’s make a pep talk for you to say to yourself when you’re struggling. Say it often! And make up new ones whenever you need.

Take a look at your priorities you’ve stated and the goals you defined. Take the statement of how you’d like things to be and turn them into a present tense statement. For example, if a priority of yours is to regain a healthy lifestyle, then your mantra could be: “I am strong and healthy. I am grateful for my body that is perfect just as I am.”

Have you ever driven home and suddenly you realize you’re parked and have arrived in your driveway not sure of how you got there?  Yeah, me too.  And that’s when I’m too tired, too frazzled, and on autopilot.  Autopilot is just not how I want to live my life.  I’m guessing you don’t either. Our guide will help you have a plan, make a choice, and put you on a path to taking care of YOU.

Practice Gratitude

Any Rachel Hollis fans out there? As a full-on fanatic, she has drilled into my brain the importance of having a perspective of your gratitude. It’s so easy and makes every day a bit brighter. Are you ready?

Commit to identifying things you’re grateful for in your life. You can do this each night before bed or in the morning when you start your day. Keep a journal by your bedside and write them down each day. Let’s get started! Write down five things you’re grateful for right now!



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