This discussion on healthy habits is part of our ‘Intentional Mama Wellness Series’ to kick off the new year. We will be posting routinely throughout the month, but you can download a copy of our ‘‘Intentional Mama Blueprint’ and follow along at your own pace.
Have you ever driven home and suddenly you realize you’re parked and have arrived in your driveway not sure of how you got there? Yeah, me too. And that’s when I’m too tired, too frazzled, and on autopilot. Autopilot is just not how I want to live my life. I’m guessing you don’t either. Our guide will help you have a plan, make a choice, and put you on a path to taking care of YOU.
Define what’s important to you
In order to live intentionally you have to choose what you’re allocating your time. What are your priorities? What are your main stressors? And what are all the things in between that are just happening and filling up the day. If there are things you want to make sure happen, you have to make them a priority.
Grab your piece of paper (or download the fill-out-able workbook) and write down the following: My top three priorities in life are…
Ready to do it again? This time write down the following: My top three stressors in life are…
Practice Makes Progress
Small daily habits can make a huge impact on the priorities you feel aren’t receiving enough attention or the stressors you feel are taking up way too much of your attention. Commit to one habit that can make an impact on each your priorities and stressors.
Example: If a priority is relationships with friends and family, Habit: Make 3 phone calls a week to check on a friend or relative. Benefit: Strengthen relationship with friends and family.

Give it time! Habits don’t form overnight. Commit to carrying out each new habit for one month and then assess if you want to tweak or continue. Consider taking on just one or two new habits at a time, change can be overwhelming and you don’t want to sabotage your success. Committing and completing a goal feels amazing. Commit to a new habit, make it routine and then celebrate that success by committing to another habit on your list. You got this mama!