Next week marks my first real trip away from my kids since becoming a mom. I have only left my daughter for two overnights total. And one of those nights I was at the hospital delivering her brother. Hardly a vacation. But it’s here now, my first real mommy vacation. I’m excited! And terrified! And thrilled! And terrified! And can’t wait one more second for it to be here! And terrified! Luckily I’m going to Vegas for an amazing weekend with my bestie who I know will be patient with me the whole way through it. So BFF, here’s a letter to you before we go.
Dear BFF,
I can’t believe it, it’s finally here! We have been planning our trip for almost a year. Funny story about that, most of the time we were planning, I was pregnant with a baby. And he’s here now! And I haven’t left him yet. And I’m so scared. Scared he’ll notice I’m gone. Even more scared that he won’t notice. Scared he won’t remember me when I get home. I’m worried he’ll get sick and I won’t be there. Or maybe waste the one or two good nights of sleep he gives us a month while I’m away (Just kidding kind husband who will be alone with the kids for three days.) I’m worried Violet will cry at night because I’m not there to sing her the goodnight song or read her one more book or put her blankets on or take her potty at 3 am. I’m also so excited to not worry about any of those things.
I am really excited for our plane ride. Can you believe it? Someone interested in being on a plane. A plane ride alone sounds like a vacation in itself! So I apologize in advance if I’m overly giddy about it, make plans to talk to you the whole time, and then immediately pass out for a blissful snooze.
We’ve planned out so many things to do and see. I can’t wait to get started. I hope I don’t miss too much glancing at my phone every two minutes to see if there’s a kiddo update. And I hope you don’t get annoyed when everything I see somehow reminds me of something funny Violet said a few days before. I hope you don’t get annoyed when I question you about if you need to use the bathroom before we go to our next stop. Please slap me if I actually refer to it as potty.
Forgive me if on Friday night I fall asleep way too early. My bedtime is much earlier than it used to be. And also I just can’t wait for some uninterrupted sleep. I’ll do my best not to wake you when I jump out of bed in the middle of the night because I think I hear the baby cry. And I’ll apologize the second time it happens. And the third.
I packed a cute romper for the pool to go over my mommy one-piece. I’m a little bit squishier than I hoped I would be. Can you remind me when we’re surrounded by beautiful stick thin people that I look great?
More than anything I want you to know how excited I am to spend three days on an adventure with you. I promise to be present and live in the moment as much as possible. We’re nearing two decades of friendship and no matter where life has taken us we’ve always found a way to laugh through it all. Next week, life is taking us to Vegas. And it’s going to be a blast.
Love, Your BFF
This is so amazing!
Thanks sweets! I think you’re amazing!
These are such beautiful & true words spoken from a mom! People will say , just relax, or, it’s Gonna be ok…which you already know in your head. But the feeling you expressed are the ones in your heart & THOSE are ok and normal & wonderful! Stay strong mommy & I know you & your bestie will have a blast even if you did nothing but stay in the room & order room service….;)
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