Every new mama winds up with a shelf full of parenting books.  During my first pregnancy I tried to read What to Expect when You’re Expecting.  I think I made it to week 18 or so.  Books are boring, scary, and also completely irrelevant until your baby arrives.  There’s no way you could possibly understand what a book is trying to teach you until you’re “in it”.  Now  as a seasoned toddler mama here’s my list of books I really need.

What to do when you accidentally teach your kid the F word.  

Yes that f word. And yeah, I did that.

And its sequel… Words that replace the F word so you phase the real one out.

I went with “farts” but I mean that’s going to get me in trouble soon too.  Leading by example, pro mom.

How to get your kid to go to sleep. A guidebook for babies 0-103. 

Hi, why don’t these babies want to go to sleep? It’s literally the only thing I want to do.

Potty training doesn’t mean what you think it does.

Guys, when people say you’ll potty train your kid in no time, they mean pee. Poop takes months. Why didn’t anyone say that?

How to get your kid to do things without bribing them with candy.  

I mean really, is there another way?

How to have an adult conversation without bringing up your babies every 5 seconds.

Just kidding I wouldn’t read this book.  Listen about my kids or get outta here!

How to hold and comfort a toddler who has just barfed, without barfing yourself.

The worst.  THE WORST. But gosh they really need a hug from mama when they’ve barfed all over themselves.  I more than gladly do it. But still, ick.

1,001 daily reminders that you’re doing a good job.

Being a mommy is hard.  It’s easy to tell myself everything I do wrong in a day.  But I’m trying my best and doing alright.  If only my brain could let that sink in!

With parenting I tend to think that everything is hard until it’s not.  In another year I’ll probably be in need of a whole different set of books.  What’s missing from my shelf? Let me know the real parenting books you need in the comments below.


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