By: Lindsay Chamberlin

You might recognize Lindsay Chamberlin as the witty, belly-laugh inducing mama behind Confessions of a College Park Mom, a longstanding column in The Community Paper. Outside of her comedic banter and penchant for kindness, she is a mother to three boys, two dogs, and a kindergarten teacher. While I would dub her a saint for this last fact alone, Lindsay manages to infuse all aspects of her life with humor, wit, and grace. It’s not only a joy to witness, it’s infectious. For more laughs, find her on Instagram. We have no doubt you’ll love Lindsay as much as we do!
Hello, Momlando! I am honored to be a guest columnist, mostly because I love anything that smashes two words together to make a new word. When I was in high school in the 90’s, my friend Jennifer started dating a guy named Ben, and guess what I called them. That’s right, Bennifer. It started with me. You’re welcome.
I also like Momlando because I am a BIG fan of communities. I surround myself with the greatest people – and my mom tribe is one of my favorites. Also, if you’re looking for things to do, places to eat, or resources, you’ve come to the right place.
Where mom tribes hang
My three boys are now 16, 14, and 12, and honestly, I think I’ve done a pretty good job of finding like-minded moms for my circle. If you’re wondering, I’ll tell you where and how:

- Neighbors: Do you talk to your neighbors or have you lived there for so long without talking to your neighbors that now it feels awkward? Don’t worry, I’ve been there. Guess what? It’s never too late to strike up a conversation with the people that live closest to you and ANY holiday is a great excuse to drop off a little gift of friendship. St. Patrick’s Day chocolate coins, Easter eggs stuffed with scratch-off lotto tickets, Flag Day cookies – everyone loves a little something that says, “I just made it weird, let’s be friends”.
- Church: I stayed home with my kids for six years. At that time, my husband and I were looking for a church that met our very different backgrounds and wish lists. I also craved conversations with people who spoke in full sentences. We found Church on the Drive, which is where I found one of my first great groups of moms. Bring donuts. Everyone at church loves donuts. Also Jesus.
- Preschool: No one bonds like a group of moms wrestling tiny people out of minivans in a parking lot shortly after the crack of dawn. You can lure these people into your social circle with coffee. “Let’s grab coffee one morning after drop-off” is a breezy, unintimidating way to get one of them into your van.
- Stores: I don’t care if it’s Target or Petsmart, sometimes we just need a moment of quiet to pick things up and put them back down. This is where you can have the most meaningful conversations with strangers. “That’s a great book/candle/puppy. I have one at home. It’s the best.”
- The park: The park to a parent is a night club to a 21-year-old. Fish in a barrel, people.
- Youth sports: Between jiu jitsu, upward basketball and flag football, my husband and I have made more friends in the bleachers and on the sidelines than we made anywhere else. It’s a HUGE commitment of your time and money. Shared trauma is powerful.

Meeting great parent-friends and building your village is a lifelong project. One that I am confident I’m getting right because I have stumbled, sometimes accidentally, into some of the greatest friends I have ever made. Orlando is a city of people with their arms open wide, if you just know where to look. Good luck out there, moms! See you at Target!