There are days when motherhood seems overwhelming and hours are moving by at a pace so slowly you’re sure time has stopped. I’ve had days where I look at the clock and tell myself, only two more hours until bedtime. And then I say it again, only an hour and fourty-five minutes until bedtime. I don’t wish the time away but I do use it to steady my grip on an expansive foreverness.  Sometimes, I find a dialogue going on in my head while I clean any number of messes or hold a crying toddler for the tenth time in an afternoon, that seems to wonder is this it? 

I have found that replacing the countdown or the questioning with positive mantras can make a world of difference for me. In hopes they will help you, I have put them below. 

Please be kind to yourself…it takes practice for using mantras to become a calming habit. You cannot expect saying a phrase in your head one time to be a cure-all for your frustrations.  I like to try to implement these phrases the second I hear a change in my tone with my kiddos, or the moment I let out that first exasperated sigh. If I’m already deep in my pity party about how challenging my life is (poor me!) these will rarely do the trick. In that case, may I suggest you go power walk around your block for a bit. 

The following phrases can be used in all sorts of situations. I find they are best repeated over and over again in your head with some nice deep breathing as you navigate whatever is challenging you. Take good care of the thoughts in your head and all your actions will follow suit. 

For the 100th request to do play-dough, the stretch before bedtime that feels like eternity, or whenever the feeling crops up that there must be something more exciting in the world for you than being just a mom. I am exactly where I need to be right now. 

For the times it seems impossible to teach your kid something new. I can do hard things. 

For the times the kids are crying because you’ve told them a totally reasonable no, and there’s laundry to be done, and the house is a mess. I am doing the best I can. And that’s enough.

For the days when ‘I’m a bad mom’ pops in your head. I choose to be happy and love myself today. 

For the day the kids are bouncing off the walls, arguing with each other constantly, and seemingly trying to go out of their way to break every bone in their body. I am calm even when there is chaos around me. 

For the times someone questions your parenting choice no matter how well-meaning and it rattles you. I make the best choices for my family possible.


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