We love going on ‘adventures’. Whether that be exploring a new restaurant, a day trip to somewhere in Florida, or even a big family road trip. I find preparedness is more than half the battle in making an adventure a success.
First and foremost the truth is there is no adventure with kids that is stress-free. Managing the emotional and physical needs of small humans is hard no matter what. You know this and I know this. And taking these little humans out of their comfort zone can be tricky. Before you go on an adventure with your kiddos, you must make peace with this. Go full zen and accept that their will be ups and downs of the day. Once you’ve made this mental peace, use the rest of our tips to help make things a bit easier and more enjoyable.
Pack snacks and drinks: It goes without saying that mom life is a bit easier when you can just hand over snacks to solve a rough patch with the kiddos. Pack a few extra in case the drive is longer than expected or food options don’t pan out correctly. Refillable water bottles are also great to keep everyone hydrated and happy.

Choose your adventure but don’t overstuff it: Pick 2-3 things for the whole day. Since my kids are still in car seats I try to think about how many times we will have to get them buckled in and out. In general things will take longer than you planned, so be realistic about what you can do in a day. This will lessen the pressure on things. Also, not over-planning leaves room for the unexpected. Which leads me to…

Say yes to the unexpected: On our family road trip last December we were headed to our first stop of the day when I noticed a sign for ‘Babyland’. It instantly clicked to me that this was the Cabbage Patch headquarters. We had to stop. What followed was pretty much an 80s kid’s manic dream and I loved every second of it. My kiddos did too. It was a total surprise and delight for us and I will cherish that morning forever.

Make food plans: We love food and take a lot of pleasure in finding new and delicious things to eat. Even if you don’t feel this way, you should still know where you’ll stop along the way. It helps to know and avoids any delirium and fighting amongst the family when people start getting hangry.
My favorite way to find new delicious food is to search on instagram via hashtags #CITYeats. On a recent day trip to Tampa I spent a few minutes the day before searching #tampaeats and found a really great restaurant for us to visit. You could also try #CITYfoodie. If you’re not on instagram, you can visit Yelp or Tripadvisor to scope out recommendations.

Take photos: Look y’all, I love a good memory. Live in the moment and all that great stuff, but set aside a couple minutes for photos. If you’re having a great time and the energy is high you’ll want to remember it!
When you’re done, be done: Don’t force things. If your kids are little and start melting down, head home. If you’ve got bigger kids who are now in full complaint mode and you can’t stand another minute of it, head home. Don’t put so much pressure on what the day is supposed to be that you head for self-destruction. When the fun is over, be done.
We hope this tips help you on your next adventure! Did we miss any must-know tips and tricks? Tell us in the comments below.