Alright mama, I know what you’re really here for…fashion advice. Yeah! Right? I’m just kidding. But as we move into storm season I have to report on my biggest fashion upgrade in the past decade. Decade! Seriously, it was a game changer. RAIN BOOTS. Mama, you need rain boots.
As a lifelong Floridian I always thought they were adorable but mainly reserved for small children, cute fashion bloggers, and for raking barn stalls. A true Floridian just wears their flip flops and gets wet. And more than that, takes them off and runs through the Publix parking lot barefoot so as not to slip and fall right on your butt. Oh you know what I’m talking about, that slippy slidey panic in your heart moment that you might break a bone during this fall. And how you’ll have to admit what an absolute fool you knew you were to be wearing flip flops in the rain. Rain boots were not for me.
In fact 12 years ago on an NYC trip with my bestie and her mom, we arrived to absolute pouring rain. And endured it for most of our girls weekend. Our feet were soaked, our bootcut jeans (it was 12 years ago!) were drenched, and we saw so many chic NYC women walking in rain boots. No doubt their Louboutins were in their tote bags, but it made a lot of sense. We stopped in at least three shoe stores wondering if we should buy a pair of rain boots. We both agreed it’d be a waste for just a day or two as we’d obviously never wear them at home. Fools.

When my daughter started walking, her grandma bought her rain boots. Oh didn’t she just look adorable? And guess what? She could go splash in puddles after the rain! She loved it. I loved it. But I stood near her in my birkenstocks (an upgrade from flip flops, I know) far enough away that I didn’t get soaked. On rainy days she wore her little boots to the store and I was assured that her little feet were dry and warm. Gold stars for mom!
A few months later grandma brought over a pair of pink rain boots for me! She had seen them in a consignment shop and was shocked they were my size and had to buy them. See, a little known fact, Momlando has some big ol’ monster feeties. I was so appreciative but of course just let them sit in my laundry room for months.
On a super rainy morning after they had collected an absurd amount of dust I decided to finally try them out. I dropped the kids off at preschool then headed into work. And oh did I enjoy some perfectly warm dry feet which in turn kept my whole body from freezing in the a/c that morning. Even better? The dozen compliments I got from coworkers on my adorable rain boots! I was sold, you’re now looking at a true rain boot believer.
So come on mama, do yourself a favor and get a pair of rain boots. Here are a few tips I’ve learned on wearing rain boots along the way.
- I’ve asked around and it seems acceptable to wear the boots all day or bring shoes to change into once indoors. I tend to play it by ear on what my schedule looks like and how much I’ll be heading in and out.
- Wear socks: big ones not ankle socks that roll down and get scrunched up.
- Match to your wardrobe for maximum use: There are plenty of solid color black boots if you want to wear them as ‘normal’ shoes. But if you love a pop of color the options are endless! Have fun and make them a statement piece.
And… here are a few pairs you can get that are super cute!