This self-care check-in is part of our ‘Intentional Mama Wellness Series’ to kick off the new year. We will be posting routinely throughout the month, but you can download a copy of our ‘Intentional Mama Blueprint‘ and follow along at your own pace.
Have you ever driven home and suddenly you realize you’re parked and have arrived in your driveway not sure of how you got there? Yeah, me too. And that’s when I’m too tired, too frazzled, and on autopilot. Autopilot is just not how I want to live my life. I’m guessing you don’t either. Our guide will help you have a plan, make a choice, and put you on a path to taking care of YOU.
Have people told you to make time for self-care and how important it is? If you’re a mom who is trying to do it all and be everything to everyone you probably laugh at the idea of me-time. Or maybe it has been so long since you did something for yourself that you’re not even sure where to start. Let’s take a couple minutes and figure this out together. Consider this, your easy how-to guide for self-care.
Let’s talk about happiness
What makes you happy? The for real,has a spot in your soul kind of happy. Sure, write down pizza and tacos if you want. But we’re looking for the deep stuff here. Is it reading a book? Painting? Learning a new language? Swimming in the pool? Try to think of five things that fill you up. Write them down on a piece of paper.
Note: Okay maybe you don’t have five things. And you’re freaking out. It’s okay. You can work on it! Try new things. Or go back to things that made you happy as a child. This is an opportunity not a burden!

Put yourself first
There is no bigger buzzword right now than self-care. I’m here to tell you that it’s more than going to get a manicure or having a glass of wine after you put the kids to bed. Don’t get me wrong – those things are delightful!
But, for right now, let’s define self-care as making yourself a priority mentally and physically. Take a moment to commit to how you’re going to take care of YOU. Here are some suggestions on things you can do for self-care:
Say No: There’s power in saying no to things that don’t serve you and will suck your energy. Commit to making conscious choices about what you want and what you do not.
Make a morning routine: I have found that I am a much happier mama if I get up before my kids and take time for myself. Yes, it’s painfully early. But when I’ve gotten a few moments to do things for me, I’m less frustrated an hour later when the morning devolves into chaos.
Take a walk: Walking is one of the best things we can do for ourselves. If you’re not ready to commit to a fitness routine (whether you have no time or no desire just yet), you can take a walk.
Drink more water: A lot of things can be solved by having a glass of water. I bet you there are many days you forget if you had any at all.
Add one thing back: The list of things you’ve stopped doing since having kids is probably longer than you care to admit. What’s one thing you really miss? How can you add it back to your life in a manageable way?
Answer honestly: The next time a friend asks how you’re doing, tell the truth. If you’re not fine, say it. If you need to vent, do it. Make sure you are choosing a trusted friend to unload on and be a good listener when they need to vent too!
Are you ready? Let’s make a commitment to self-care. Grab your piece of paper and finish this sentence: “I will commit to….”