There’s a lot of advice out there for new moms.  The years are short.  Enjoy every moment. You’ll miss this when they’re bigger.  Fine.  All probably true.  But also either too cliche or too insurmountable to understand it all.  Here’s my real advice for new moms.


  • Sleep when the baby sleeps.  Or watch TV when the baby sleeps.  Or take a shower when the baby sleeps.  Or eat a bag of chips when the baby sleeps.  Listen to what you need most in that moment and do it.  
  • Never underestimate what you can save by throwing it in the washing machine.
  • You don’t have to wash the pump parts on your breast pump every time.  Put them in a big ziploc bag or tupperware and put them in the fridge.
  • Even if people can tell that you have spit up (boogers, slobber, etc.) on your shirt they usually won’t say anything.  So just pretend it’s not there and don’t say anything either.
  • Put on lipstick and people will think you have your shit together.
  • When you finally decide to get a babysitter for date night, have the sitter come over before bedtime.  That’s why you’re paying them.
  • Take as many photos as you want of the baby, but make sure you’re in some too.
  • My favorite technique for other people’s unwanted advice, silly comparisons to their pet, or any number of ridiculous comments is just to smile and nod.  And laugh about it later with dadlando.
  • The first part is so hard and so lonely.  You will question everything you’ve ever thought about how motherhood was going to be.  You will make it through. You’ve got this.

You’ll make it through those long days and soon be the one giving other new mamas advice. Hang in there mama.


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