I don’t want to deal with my strong willed child.  Since before she could talk she’s had opinions about what she’ll wear and how I can style her hair.

I want to raise a child who will know she’s in control of her body.


I don’t want to deal with her opinions on what food is disgusting today that was her favorite yesterday.

I want to raise a child who has a healthy relationship with food and makes choices that nourish her body.


I don’t understand how she can love dancing so much and tell me she doesn’t want to go to dance class.

I want to raise a child that knows she can do what she wants when she wants.


I don’t understand why she demands to know why and how everything works. She should just trust what I say because I said it.

I want to raise a child who never stops questioning the status quo.  


I don’t want to raise a bossy kid.

I want to raise a child with leadership skills.


I don’t have ten extra minutes for her to do things all by herself.

I want to raise an independent woman who is capable of doing anything.


I don’t need her opinions on which blanket goes where on the bed.  I just need her to go to sleep.

I want to raise a decisive adult who knows what she wants.


I don’t want to have an argument with a toddler when I wear my shoes inside, because she knows there’s a rule we don’t wear shoes in the house.

I want to raise an adult who knows right from wrong and is full of conviction.


I want to raise my strong willed daughter because I need her to be an assertive grown woman in a very very challenging world.  


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